Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates

Visit Us If You Are a Candidate for Dentures Treatment in Scottsdale

If you are a candidate for receiving dentures treatment, it is time to visit our Scottsdale office to learn more about what to expect. When you are new to dentures, it can take a while to adjust, but before you know it, you will appreciate your new smile, improved appearance, and renewed ability to chew. Dentures are an excellent teeth replacement option for virtually any person who needs it, except for very rare circumstances.

Dentures Procedure

The process for dentures treatment involves customizing the dentures for the patient. Dentures are removable replacements (in most cases) for teeth that are missing. Dentures can also help maintain the current face shape since bones and gums tend to shift when nothing is holding them in place. Our dentures normally consist of acrylic resin materials and metal clasps for partial dentures. We use partial dentures when patients still have some remaining teeth while complete dentures are for patients who do not have any more teeth.

Dentures treatment will give the patients a more youthful and attractive appearance, while also greatly benefiting the patient's ability to chew and speak. When one visits for dentures, it may take a few appointments to complete the process. The patient will need to visit and make an impression that will guide the construction of the dentures. During the process, the patient will visit for a preliminary and final fitting to ensure the dentures are a good fit. After these appointments, the patient will receive the finalized dentures and get to head home with new replacement teeth.

Becoming Accustomed to Dentures

For the first few days to weeks of wearing dentures, they may feel slightly bulky in the mouth. The patient will gradually adjust to wearing the dentures, and they will end up feeling completely natural. Dentures from our office will easily fit into place and will stay there securely unless the patient takes them out. The patient may need to wear the dentures all day at first, to adjust to them more quickly. This process will also help the patient adjust to the feel of the dentures in the mouth and determine if any additional adjustments are necessary.

We can make any adjustments if they are necessary for a perfect fit without a hint of discomfort. Eventually, the patient will be able to eat all kinds of food. However, as the patient adjusts to the dentures, the patient needs to start out with softer foods in smaller pieces. The patient needs to also try to avoid sticky or hard items like gum, apples, crunchy foods, hard candy or chewy candy.

If you like the idea of dentures treatment and you would like to learn more, call us at (480) 439-0117 and make an appointment today so we can start your process of receiving your brand new replacement teeth. The process will be smooth and not cause any discomfort, and you will leave with a newly improved smile.

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Dr. Haleh Bazargan

Published by
Dr. Haleh Bazargan

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